- Bay Area Discovery
Museum - Sausalito
- Museum for children and families
- Bay Model
Visitor Center - Sausalito
- Model of the S.F.Bay used to learn changes/effects in Bay waters. Tours.
- Beakman & Jax
- San Rafael
- Artist, Jok Church - Q&A,You can do, Beakman's world TV
- Crown
Books*- Novato
- Kids Page
- Design Your Future
- San Rafael
- Math, Science, and Technology for Girls! - Autodesk
- Girl
- Especially for girls, but fun for everyone.
Golden Gate Bridge
- 60 th Anniversary
- Hallmark Stores*
- Locate Crayola kids near bottom(not linked direct, as url changes)
- Hometown Entertainment
- Mill Valley
- Storytelling Videos
- Kids Fun
Sites - San Rafael
- Links to fun sites for kids and adults who are kids at heart.
- Kids
Zone - Mill Valley
- Asthma education & resources
- Kofy Kids Club*
- TV 20 - SF
- LucasArts Entertainment
- Developer & publisher of entertainment software.
- Marin Council,
Boy Scouts of America - San Rafael
- Upcoming Council-wide events, plus links to some exciting events recently
- Also see Organizations
- Marin
County Library, Fun for Kids
Fun for Kids
- Marin County Library, Fun for Teens
- Fun for Teens
- Star Wars
- Web site
- Schools - Marin
- A listing of Marin County Schools
- Toys R Us* - San Rafael
- Follow their Links to Fun
- Web
Chic - Novato
- Kids section & Links
- Little League - search
- Newspapers for kids
- Marin
Independent Journal, school page - Novato
- Dan Fost
- The Redwood Bark - Larkspur
- Redwood High newspaper
- Also see Recreation for Parks, Sports
& Hobbies
- Search under the Business/Service section
for more related items.
- Children's related Business items
- Rentals
- Toys / Crafts
- Kid Search SafetyNet
- Lycos' ability to screen out adult content.