Logos for Links


The Marin Directory link address is http://marindirect.com
or http://www.marindirect.com
You can link to The Marin Directory by typing our name and including a link or linking a logo to our site.
Either - The Marin Directory or The Marin County Directory are acceptable.

The Marin Directory, "Finding Marin just got easier." www.marindirect.com
The Marin Directory, "Finding Marin on the Web just got easier." www.marindirect.com

Click and hold on the desired logo to copy.
"Save this image as"
gif format
jpg format
gif format
jpg format
gif format
jpg format
jpg format

Add type to top and bottom as best suited
Link the image to our address or add url at bottom.

Forget our address?

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The Marin Directory, The Marin County Directory, Marin County Directory , Marin Directory are names used by Marin Direct

Please do not alter the logo without permission, drop shadows, etc., are acceptable