- The Belrose Dinner
Theatre - San Rafael
- Dinner Theatre
- CenterStage - San Rafael
- Osher Marin JCC, performing & literary arts.
- Film Night - San Anselmo
- Movie information, Film Night in the Park schedule, Film Links
- Italian Film
Festival - San Rafael
- Held every year at the Marin Showcase Theater.
- Lark Theater - Larkspur
- Marin Ballet - San Rafael
- Oldest dance program for children and adults
- Marin
Music Festival - San Rafael
- Marin Civic Center lagoon park.
- Marin Shakespeare
Company - San Rafael
- Schedule info, summer educational programs and a Shakespearean festival.
- Marin Theatre
Company - Mill Valley
- Performing Arts
- Mill Valley Film Festival - Mill Valley
- The Film Institute of Northern California
- The Mountain
Play Mount Tamalpais - Mill Valley
- Novato
Community Players - Novato
- Community Theater
- Novato
Theatre Restoration Commitee - Novato
- Theater restoration
- The
Rafael Film Center - San Rafael
- Theater
Schedule - Marin
- Courtesy of Pacific Theaters
- Also see Fairs & Shows
- Also see Ticket Sales in Business
- Also see Video Rentals