If you would like to add your Marin Web site to the Marin
Directory, fill out the information form below. A charge of $15. is requested from business submissions. We hope you will find your listing beneficial towards
added traffic to your site and business.
Select the category that most closely applies. Please
choose only one category.
*If your Personal Home page is unrelated to the subject, a URL
to a specific page of your site is requested.
Content needs be related to Marin County, only the "owner"
of site can submit an entry. NOTE: Business must be conducting, serving primary business in
Marin County California to be considered.
Uploaded upon payment.
We are presently not taking new entries
If you wish to submit your listing
to more than one location within the Directory, Click
here for more information.
- Please feel free to link to The Marin Directory.
Some URL addresses are hard to remember. The next time someone is looking
for you, chances are they will remember MarinDirect.com, and they can find
you quickly!
- A service charge of $15. is requested from business
submissions. This fee maintains your entry
for a term of two years. It will be available to continue for another optional
two year term for approx.$15, existing paid listings will hold the same
low rate. We hope you will find your listing beneficial towards added traffic
to your site and business.
- Marin Direct, P.O. Box 774, Fairfax,
CA 94978 - Submissions may be delayed for payment. When payment is received,
via Pay Pal or check, it will be matched with your entry, uploaded and
confirmation letter will be emailed. Service charge is not refundable.
You may also fill out form above, print and mail
with payment. Use
above form for submissions, Email
for errors or contact:
You can send your pament through Pay Pal,
submit then Click here
Click here for a page
of link logos if you wish to add any of them to your site.