- Adopt-A-Beach
- SF - Marin
- California Coastal Commission.
- Alliance for Technology
Access - San Rafael
- Providing access to empowering technology for children and adults with
- Antique
Automobile Club - San Rafael
- Golden Gate Region / Local old car hobbyist group.
- Alliance for Technology
Access - San Rafael
Technology for children & adults with disabilities.
- Asthma
Education & Resource Council of Marin -
Mill Valley
- Educational talks, information, referral, resources.
- Audubon Canyon Ranch
- Stinson Beach
- Wildflife sanctuarie of Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets, and Snowy
- Autodesk
Foundation - San
- Non-profit, K-12 Education
- Bay Area Volunteer
Information Center- San Rafael
- Volunteer information, workshops, youth volunteers.
- Big Brothers
Big Sisters of Marin - San Rafael
- Matching children, one to one, with adults who serve as friends and
- Boy Scouts of
America , Marin
Council - San Rafael
- -Troop 84, Boy
Scouts of America - San Rafael
- Lucas Valley
- -Troop 15, Boy Scouts
of America - San Anselmo
- Buck Center for
Research in Aging - Novato
- Non-profit research organization.
- CAFE - California
Artists for Education - San Rafael
- Teaches collaboration, creative prob. solving, self conf., workshops
in schools/commn.orgs.
- Citizens
for a Safe Golden Gate Bridge - San Anselmo
- Traffic Barrier information
- Eichler
Network - SF - Marin
- Preservation of Eichler homes.
- Environmental Action
Committee of West Marin - Point Reyes Station
- Since 1971, protecting West Marin's land, air, and waters
- Environmental Forum
of Marin - Larkspur
- Dedicated to preserving the quality of our environment through education.
- The Environmental Health Network (EHN)
- Larkspur
- Support and advocacy on behalf of those chemically injured.
- Falkirk
Cultural Center - San Rafael
- A Place of History, a Home for the Arts
- Friends
of Corte Madera Creek Watershed - Corte Madera
- Protect, Enhance, and Restore the Bio., Chem., and Physical Resources
of the C. M. Creek
- George Lucas
Educational Foundation - Nacasio
- Charitable org. helping schools.
- Golden Gate Computer
Society - Marin
- Making computer technology accessible to everyone.
- Golden Gate Raptor Observatory -
SF - Marin
- Volunteers dedicated to the study of Golden Gate Hawk flight.
- Green
Party - Marin
- List of events & Groups
- Guide Dogs for the
Blind, Inc. - San Rafael
- Supporting guide dog breeding / training, info on becoming a trainer,
interacting with the blind.
- Headlands Institute - Sausalito
- Outdoor education and conference facility
- Historical Societies - Marin
- See this page.
- Human Concerns Center
of Marin - San Rafael
- Ritter House - Helping people with disabilities, homeless, low income.
- Humane Farming Association - San Rafael
- Dedicated to the protection of farm animals.
- Intuition Network - San Rafael
- Non profit org., sponsors conferences,publications & research about
all aspects of intuition.
- Kiwanis
Club International - San Rafael
- Dedicated to promoting & fostering youth & community services.
- Kule Loklo - Olema
- Coast Miwok Indian village in Point Reyes Seashore
- Learning
Center - Marin
- Training, counseling, team building to business & health care communities.
- Local Control - San Anselmo
- The journal of planning and preservation in Marin.
- Lifehouse - San Rafael
- Serving people with developmental disabilities
- Macs of
Marin (MOM) -
San Rafael
- Org. dedicated to the education & enhancement of Mac users in our
- Marin
Aids Project - San Rafael
- Prevention & education, client services, volunteer services.
- Marin Agricultural
Land Trust - Point
Reyes Station
- Preserving farmland in Marin County.
- Marin
Alano Club - San Rafael
- Provides a clean and safe environment for recovering alcoholics &
- Marin Amateur Radio
Club - San Rafael- Marin
- Clubs - Amateur Radio
- Marin Breast Cancer
Commitee - Kentfield
- A volunteer organization comprised of breast cancer survivors and friends.
- Marin
Center for Independent Living - San Rafael
- Assist persons w/ disabling conditions,achieving their max. level of
sustainable independence.
- Marin
Community Food Bank - Novato
- Providing food for those in need.
- Marin
Community Foundation Buck Trust - Larkspur
- Charity which administers private funds for public purposes.
- Marin
Community Foundation Disability Resources
Online -
- Connecting Marin residents with most helpful web sites related to disability.
- Marin Conservation
League - San Rafael
- Caring for Marin's environment.
- Marin Divorce
Resources - Marin
- Resources & support for couples / families who are separated and
- Marin Nexus - San Rafael
- Nonprofit Resources & Volunteer Connections
- The Marin Human
Society - Novato
- Animal shelter & services.
- Marin Learning Center - Marin City
- Therapeutic, development program for low-income children.
- Marin Literacy
Program - San
Rafael, Olema
- Literacy instruction.
- Marin non-profits
organizations & services - Marin
- An index of listings.
- Marin Recovery - Marin
- Social gathering for fellow sufferers.
- Marin
Rose Society -
- To promote the culture, interest & appreciation of roses of all
- Marine Mammal Center
- Marin
- Helping with the survival & habitat of marine mammals.
- Meals of Marin - San Rafael
- Nouishment, comfort, hope, dignity for homebound people with Aids.
- Mill Valley
Masonic Lodge No. 356 - Mill Valley
- Fraternal Organization
- Mill
Valley StreamKeepers - Milll Valley
- To protect the ecological health of Mill Valley's waterways.
- Mountain Bike Roots -Woodacre
- Photographs and information about the early days of mountain bikiing
- Narcotics Anonymous - Marin
- NA Meetings in Marin County
- Native Sons
of the Golden West, Fairfax Parlor* - Fairfax
- Community projects, social events, operates the Canon Swim & Tennis
Club in Fairfax.
- North Bay Chapter
Trout Unlimited - Corte Madera
- Helping to restore Coho and Steelhead to Marin and Sonoma.
- North Bay Council
- Novato
- A research & public policy organization representing employers
in the north bay.
- North Bay Ecumenical
Homes - Novato
- Non-profit housing development org. Create homes for low-moderate income.
- North Bay Multimedia
Association - San Rafael
- Fostering the growth of the on-line & interactive multimedia industry.
- Novato Business
Education Roundtable - Novato
- Strives to build a strong partnership between business & education.
- Novato Mothers Club - Novato
- 200+ member support and education club whose goal is to enrich families.
- Novato Online - Novato
- Novato Chamber of Commerce, uniting business and professional firms.
- The Osher Marin
JJC - San Rafael
- Osher Marin Jewish community center, health & wellness, performing
arts, education.
- The Recovery
Station - San
- Preventing alcohol and drug addiction
- Permaculture
Institute of Northern California - Point Reyes
- The conscious design & maintenance of cultivated ecosystems.
- Persian
Cat Rescue - Mill Valley
- Uniting people with Persians.
- Rotary
Clubs of Marin County - San Rafael
- District #5150 - club listings
- Rotary
Club of Marin Evening - San Rafael
- District #5150
- San
Francisco Bay Oceanic Crew Group - SF - Marin
- Non profit servicing environmental groups through boating activities.
- San Geronimo Valley
Cultural Center - San Geronimo
- TThe Cultural Center offers arts, human services and community programs.
- Senior Access
- San Rafael
- Programs for people with dementia; caregiver support.
- Single Cyclists
- Kentfield
- The Bay areas only bicycling club especially for singles.
- Sustainable
Fairfax - Fairfax
- Pioneer sustainability, legacy of educating the town council, supporting
the community.
- The Slant - Marin
- Marin County's ten year old newspaper for the Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual
- Softech North Bay Software & Info. Technology Asso.- Novato
- Promoting Software & Information Technology Industries in the North
- Sonoma - Marin Irish Network -Sonoma
- Marin
- Site for local Irish events
- Southern
Marin Mothers' Club - Marin
- Mothers Club, Non profit support group
- Spectrum Center
for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns - San Anselmo
- Marin LGBT community center
- St. Vincent
de Paul Society -
- Free dinning hall & help locations
- The
Holocaust Album - Greenbrae
- A collection of historical & contemporary photographs.
- Tiburon
Laboratory for Fisheries Research - Tiburon
- Research on the Pacific Coast Groundfish & Salmon.
- Trips for Kids - San Rafael
- Non- profit volunteer org. that provides mountain biking outings for
low income youth.
- Trust and
Triumph - San Rafael
- A safe environment for anyone seeking help from alcohol or substance
- Volunteer Center
of Marin - San Rafael
- Volunteer opportunities
- West Marin Senior Services - Point Reyes Station
- Provides in-home supportive services to the rural elderly, 60 and over
- Wildcare - San Rafael
- Terwilliger Nature Education and Wildlife Rehabilitation.
- Return to top
- Also see Recreation for more Clubs
- Also see Museums
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